oh how I love my fridays. I get to spend the day with Sarah and Joshy. Today we went to Costco, and Target. We always have such a good time looking at all the things we cannot buy. We decided we hate target... ahh well. Asa decided he wanted to join in on our fun too. man that kid is so dang cute.
Sarah and I can always have a good time just wondering the stores together. Wish the rest of the sisters and mom could join though!
Asa is taking a bath..it is becoming one of my favorite times. Today he was laughing and splashing around. hopefully its ok to put one naked picture on here!
After his bath he was out. Super cute picture of these two. Oh how I love my Sundays. This one is from yesturday, he fell asleep on my carrier while I was cleaning, and just thought it was so stinkin cute.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Family Home Evening at the Haslems, always a good time! Sarah and Trevor taught us how to plant seeds. ya I had no clue. The kids planted peppers, broccoli cabbage, and cauliflower.
I have to do some show off pictures of my beautiful boy. I am going to be one of those moms who thinks and is not afraid to say my baby is the cutest!! I really do think he is though! I mean look at that face!! A mommy and me picture. Oh how I love this boy
Both my boys. I am so proud Me and the girls playin around with the camera. Emily and Anna are such good cousins. me and Em
What a beautiful day it is here today! Sarah and I and the two boys went for a Jog/walk today and it was so nice outside! Hopefully this is the start of a soon to come spring!